Friday, January 26, 2007


There are various medicines which can be taken to cure the headaches which come from struggling with the difficulties of administration and management here. The most recent headache was caused by the process for signing cheques taking more than 1 week.
• Playing chess with Naftar, the 10-year-old boy next door. He is inventing a complete vocabulary of his own – tonight the knights were renamed as zebras (obvious enough) and the pieces were being eaten instead of captured.
• Visiting the more remote parishes, seeing how people live and getting priorities sorted again. This week it was Bweyeye, where the diocese is just completing a very nice 11-classroom school. The health problems among the pupils are many and varied. Sobering thought – there are many children running around Bweyeye who are not even at school because they are too poor to afford the school materials. Primary schooling is free, but not books, etc.
• Being on the veranda at 0630, listening to the dawn chorus, looking out over the lake, reflecting and praying about what has happened and what is to come.
• Watching “The West Wing” DVDs at night before we go to bed – challenging escapism!

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