Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rwandan story - the family split

One family fled Rwanda as the RPF approached at the end of the 100 days. After some time in the Congo, they decided to return, except for the father who was frightened and one of the brothers, who had got a job.
When war came to the Congo, the brother was killed in cold blood along with some priests. The family was told this by someone who buried the bodies. The father fled into the jungle : he has not been heard of since. The split in the family became permanent.
One of the dilemmas for families like this is that Genocide Memorial Week is about victims of the genocide, not those who died in the war in the Congo in the years shortly afterwards (some say that the numbers are about the same). They can therefore feel excluded from the events.

Another brother of the family has recently been sentenced by the gacaca court for minor crimes. His wife and 2 young children are dependent on the rest of the family for support.

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