Sunday, August 19, 2007

Grenade at the garage

It’s always hard to get news out of Rwandans. Although their standard greeting (“Amakuru?”) literally means “how is the news?”, the answer is ALWAYS “It is good”. We did, however, find out that while we are away a grenade had gone off at the local garage, the one I normally use, killing 2 people. The man carrying the grenade and a woman who worked at the garage both died in the explosion. One of the petrol pumps is still peppered with holes, made through quite thick sheet steel, a sombre memorial.
It seems that there were family problems and that the man had somehow obtained the grenade with some deadly purpose against his relations, but that it had gone off accidentally while he was at the garage. The woman was an innocent victim. I knew her a little, we had had several debates during the diesel shortage earlier this year, during which I had tried to persuade her (usually unsuccessfully) to sell me some of her small stock.

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